Exams Quick Guide

The table below provides a brief overview of RAD exams, awards, content, assessment and venues.

Type of award What? Assessed? Where?
Demonstration classes (Dance to Your Own Tune) Free content, led by teacher No, the examiner only observes AEC or RAV
Solo performance awards (Grades 1-5) 3 solo dances, at least 2 from exam syllabus Yes, as per award criteria AEC or RAV
Class awards (Pre-Primary in Dance to Grade 5 and Discovering Repertoire) Class award syllabus (a selection of exercises and one dance), led by the teacher Yes, a broad indication of standard rather than a detailed breakdown AEC or RAV
Presentation classes (Grades 6-7 and 8) Selection of exercises from the syllabus, led by the teacher (Grades 6 - 7) or the examiner (Grade 8) No, the examiner only observes, and for Grade 8, conducts the class AEC or RAV
Exams (graded, vocational and Discovering Repertoire) Candidates perform the exam syllabus Yes, as per exam criteria AEC or RAV
Solo Seal Candidates perform three variations and a virtuoso finale for a panel of judges and an audience Yes, by a panel of judges, an RAD examiner and a dance professional approved by the Artistic Director RAV or theatre venue
  • AEC – Approved Examination Centre, normally the teacher’s own studio.
  • RAV – RAD Approved Venue, premises provided by the RAD.

Our exams glossary explains other terms that you may not be familiar with.

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