Prerequisites and Age Requirements

Information on exam prerequisites and age requirements for exams.

Exam Prerequisites

Prerequisite qualifications for entry to vocational graded exams apply as follows:

Exam Prerequisite
Intermediate Foundation None
Intermediate None
Advanced Foundation Intermediate
Advanced 1 Intermediate
Advanced 2 Advanced 1
Solo Seal Advanced 2 (Distinction)

Equivalent ballet qualifications from the following organizations are accepted:

  • British Ballet Organisation (BBO/bbodance)
  • British Theatre Dance Association (BTDA)
  • National Association of Teachers of Dance (NATD)
  • Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing (ISTD)
  • International Dance Teachers’ Association (IDTA)

Where, exceptionally, candidates enter for an exam and the prerequisite in the same session, the award of the exam will be dependent on the prerequisite also being passed.

For more information, please see Entering candidates for exams in our specifications.

Age Requirements

An RAD Registered teacher will identify when a candidate is ready to take an exam.

For demonstration classes, the following target ages apply:

Level Target age
Level 1 2½ – 3½
Level 2 3½ – 4½ or 5

There are recommended age requirements for all RAD exams, class awards and solo performance awards and required ages for Intermediate Foundation, Intermediate and Discovering Repertoire exams and class awards.

Candidates must reach the required minimum age by 31 December in the year in which they are taking the examination. There will be no exceptions to this rule.

Pre-Primary in Dance 5
Primary in Dance 6
Grades 1-5 7
Grades 6-8 11
Intermediate Foundation 11
Intermediate 12
Advanced Foundation 13
Advanced 1 14
Advanced 2 15
Solo Seal 15
Discovering Repertoire 12